In The Box

The four pillars of style

Career women are facing a long list of challenges related to lifestyle, balance, family vs. career planning, etc. While juggling all the different roles and responsibility, women, in general, like to look polished and stylish. In the article, we discuss four pillars of style that will enable you to dress for success.

Form is the first pillar of success. As we have different body types and shapes, some stylists divide female bodies into four primary types, Apple, Bear, Hourglass and Banana. There are tonnes of videos by style experts that can help you learn about your body type. Once you know your body type, develop a short list of general guidelines to go to whenever you are shopping for clothes.

If you are an Apple, avoid bulky clothes especially bulky tops; invest in a high quality flared or boot cut pair of jeans and accentuate your middle section with thin belts.

If you are heavy on the bottom and narrow on top, you are most probably a Bear. Then you need to create a balance between your upper body and bottom using accessories like scarfs and statement necklaces. Don’t shy away from colourful and patterned tops and invest in high quality tailored, flared pants and A-line skirts.

If Hourglass is your body type, then highlight your waist and avoid bulky and baggy clothes as well-tailored clothes will highlight your natural curves.

If your body type is a Banana; peplum tops and jackets will create the curves that this body type lacks and belts are great accessories to create the preferred hourglass body shape. Also, choose wrap dresses for an easy and stylish look.

Once you are done with the form, then you need to focus on the fit. The fit of garments is a critical factor of how clothes will look on you. No matter how expensive your clothes are if they do not fit they will look sloppy and unpresentable. To choose the right fit that flatters your body; shop for your right size category as petite, regular or tall; make sure that shoulder seams are proportionate to your shoulders, and consider tailoring the ill-fitting clothes using professional tailoring service provider.

When you have a tight schedule, study and different work and life commitment, the last thing you need is squeezing your body into clothes that do not serve your lifestyle. Fabric selection is crucial when choosing a piece of garment. Make sure that it is easy to clean and doesn’t wrinkle much. Also, choose easy-to-care textiles. On the other hand, invest in separates that you can mix-and-match to create a variety of outfits without spending large sums of money.

Comfort goes hand in hand with function. Try the clothes on when shopping in stores and make sure that you can move easily in them. If a piece of clothing does feel comfortable or do not fit well, for example around the arms or the waist, do not buy it even if you like some aspects such as the colour of the design.

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